While it might seem like you can go without health insurance until you find a job, you never know how long it will be — and you could be in an unexpected accident or get a sudden illness.
Fortunately, there are affordable ways to stay covered until your next job
When you enroll in a short term health insurance plan, you can stay covered for as little as 60 days. You can choose the amount of time you need coverage for… so you’re protected until you start your new job.
Many health insurance plans — including the popular PPO plans — have short term options that can accommodate you.
With a PPO you choose your doctors and other health providers within their “network.” Because the plan negotiates discounts with that network, you save on premiums and deductibles. You can also save money with health providers outside of the network, but usually not as much.
Blue Cross®, Blue Shield® and the Cross and Shield Symbols are registered service marks of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, an association of independent Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plans.
Medicare Advantage Plan Notice:
HMO, HMO-POS and PPO plans provided by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois, a Division of Health Care Service Corporation, a Mutual Legal Reserve Company (HCSC). HMO plan provided by Illinois Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance Company (ILBCBSIC). HCSC and ILBCBSIC are Independent Licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. HCSC and ILBCBSIC are Medicare Advantage organizations with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in HCSC's and ILBCBSIC’s plans depends on contract renewal.
Medicare Part D Plan Notice:
Prescription drug plans are provided by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois, which refers to HCSC Insurance Services Company (HISC), an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. A Medicare-approved Part D sponsor. Enrollment in HISC’s plans depends on contract renewal.
Medicare Supplement Notice: (If applicable)
Not connected with or endorsed by the U.S. Government or Federal Medicare Program
Medicare Supplement insurance plans are offered by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois, a Division of Health Care Service Corporation, a Mutual Legal Reserve Company, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
"This information is a solicitation for insurance"
*Excludes post enrollment materials
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